Use the calculators below with your vehicles’ information to see how much you can start saving with IntegriBOOST!

You only need the fuel tank capacity, fuel efficiency (in Miles Per Gallon (MPG) for road vehicles or Gallons Per Hour (GPH) for off-road construction equipment), and the current price you pay for diesel fuel to calculate how much IntegriBOOST can save you on each tank of fuel!

Please keep in mind that many factors can affect your fuel efficiency. The calculators on this page are intended to demonstrate the potential savings of using IntegriBoost in your vehicles, based on 5% to 10% efficiency increases, depending on the blending ratio used.  Your efficiency increase and savings may vary, and as such, we can make no guarantee to the accuracy of these values for your vehicles.  Rest assured that our product can increase fuel efficiency and reduce operating costs.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns that you may have!



Diesel Road Vehicles - 100:1 RatioDiesel Road Vehicles - 200:1 RatioConstruction Equipment - 100:1 RatioConstruction Equipment - 200:1 Ratio